FORMAL Marketing PartnersHIPS


This program is only available between organizations. It consists of an agreement between organizations based on strategic considerations and going after specific opportunities. It requires a fair amount of work on both sides to make it work.

Partner Benefits

  • Receive Emails or electronic newsletter of products and services
  • Access to web-based marketing materials
  • Eligible for 15% or more referral fees
  • Ability to take on-line Leadership and Internet Marketing courses at reduced rates
  • Available for project or out source work
  • Access to special marketing and sales support material
  • Ability to submit publicity articles on blogs and pages
  • Eligible for Marketing and/or sales agreement, reseller agreement, confidentiality agreement, content licensing, web site cross-posting or web-based affiliate programs, etc
  • Assistance from Internet Marketing Interns as available
  • Legacee can assist in marketing efforts Ability to work on joint proposals

Work Skills For the 21st Century